keto, Uncategorized


As the future wife of a man involved the bodybuilding community I have really made a connection to that world that resignates with me a deep level. There are several people who see the word “ketogenic” and think weight loss. Due to this stereotype I am here to say that my goals are not based on a number. The scale is nothing to me. I am NOT a number and it definitely doesn’t define me. So, I’m here today to talk about my goals for myself for those who may be curious. I mentioned earlier my fiancé competes and that’s a world I would much like to get to, in due time. It’s a long process, I understand that, and it’s not a thing I want to rush. I’m 5’8″ with a rather large frame – wide shoulders and tons of muscle. I am around 26% body fat – 21% with skin fold caliper but they lie. When I began my “weight loss journey” 4 years ago I just wanted to be small. I did tons of cardio. 2-3 hours of Zuma per day and ran when I could. When I met my fiancé he introduced me to the weights and for that I’m forever grateful. He was a personal trainer and taught me everything I know. My goals changed and shifted. I love to lift heavy and high volume. I utilize a lot of Doran Yates’ Blood & Guts training techniques because I’ve noticed they work faster than anything for my goals. I am currently looking to increase lean muscle mass and decrease body fat. I no longer want to be little, in fact, it’s quite the opposite. I want to have muscle, lots of it. Some people call it “manly” but what’s important to me is being beautiful in my own special way and feeling comfortable in my own skin. I don’t care about others opinions and you shouldn’t either. It’s toxic. It will consume you. It’s important to follow your path, the one you create for yourself. Recently, I finished my finals in college. During finals I took a 2 week hiatus from the gym to study. Now, I’m back just as before lifting heavy and pushing harder than I thought possible. I will continue to wake up and push towards my individual goals. It may take me 6 weeks, 6 months, or 6 years but I’ll get there. I will step on a stage. I may have to start at the very bottom but I will get to physique and I will do well. One way or another. Snapchat-1257622878

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